Thousand Media

Website Design, Brand Design, Logo Design

Designing & Building Our Own Website - A Peak Behind The Scenes

When it comes to shopping around for web designers, the last thing you want to see is a bad website. For obvious reasons, we want our clients to get a feel for the thoughtfulness and expertise we approach every project with. After all, it's always better to walk the walk.

The Performance Metrics

The Project Overview

From the start, we knew the ingredients that we needed to include in the site. It had to tell customers about how we approach our work, what they can expect from us, and what sort of projects we specialize in. It also needed to include great case studies, so that they could put themselves in the shoes of our real clients. Lastly, a premium look and feel was a must. Then, we got to work.

Phase 1: Brand Design

Our brand had to communicate a few things right off the bat. First of all, clients need to know they are looking at professional design work and could expect the same from us. Next, it needed to communicate a sense of trust and relatability. We use our brand voice to speak directly to our ideal client's wants and needs in a designer.

Phase 2: Website Design

So, we knew what we wanted to communicate. The next step was to get to work on the website. We experimented with different layouts and features to find what we felt best embodied our brand. We wanted the layout to feel simple and intuitive, but still defy design cliches. In other words, we wanted just the balance of straightforward and unconventional.

Phase 3: Production & Launch

With our mockups completed and all the pieces in place, all that was left to do was execute. We began to undertake the actual build process, combining all the work and exploration we had done up until this point into a cohesive and functional website. Seeing the project come to life in this phase is always exciting, and this time was no exception

Success is measured in more than just statistics. When our clients are happy, we’re happy too. See what the Owner had to say below:


Taylor Nims

Owner, Thousand Media


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