Kathleen Maas Art

Website Design, Brand Design, Logo Design

A Beautiful Ecommerce Website For A Talented Local Artist

After having sold on Etsy for almost a year, Kathleen decided that she'd like to help her products stand out with a dedicated Ecommerce website. She wanted her branding to reflect her pieces' unique personality, drawing from natural themes and floral color schemes

The Performance Metrics

The Project Overview

In our early conversations with Kathleen, it became clear that a branded Ecommerce store would be a good way to help her achieve the goals she had identified for her business. We got to work shortly afterwards on developing her logo, brand, and website design

Brand Design

When we first began working with Kathleen, we started by discussing what sort of feel she wanted her brand to have. We eventually decided to move forward with a floral-inspired theme that captured the feeling she was looking for. Her brand is light, friendly, and approachable; even for those who don't often find themselves shopping for artwork

Website Design

Once we settled on brand direction, we built out the rest of the site's pages in an interactive prototype. Doing this allows the owner to click a high-fidelity version mockup of their site, getting a real feel for the user-experience that a customer will have on the final website. That way, we get to make any necessary changes to the site before the final build begins.

Ecommerce & Launch

With the rest of the website pages built out, we began setting up the CMS-connected ecommerce system. The system is intentionally very easy to use and update, with all orders, form submissions, products, and store settings all centralized in the client-side editor. After a quick training session on how to use all of the different features in her new store, the project was complete!

Thoughts From The Owner, Kathleen Maas

Success is measured in more than just statistics. When our clients are happy, we’re happy too. See what the Owner had to say below:

My experience working with Thousand Media made this a process a breeze. Taylor was able to take my loose ideas of what I wanted and form them into a brand that I'm proud to show off. The website works great and sends the message that I want my customers to receive. Highly recommend!

Kathleen Maas

Business Owner


Taylor Nims

Owner, Thousand Media


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